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Do I need to Replace All of My Windows at Once? - CWE

So in a perfect world, we would get everything done at once. The reason we would get everything done at once is we would only have to deal with the process one time. It’s not the easiest thing in the world with everyone’s busy schedules. I assume most of you have children or have a busy life. If you don’t have kids, you’re probably going out and playing in a softball league yourself. You wanna do things outside of work.

So that being said, you don’t wanna have three or four times where a company is coming in and installing the windows. If you don’t mind, that’s completely fine. You can do whatever you like. However, in a perfect world, obviously you get everything done all at once. It just makes it simpler, your life’s a little simpler, it’s one day that you really have to deal with it, maybe two. And then it’s all good. You’re buttoned up there real tight. But for most people, particularly the ones that want to pay cash, ’cause a lot of people that wanna finance, this is an easy way alternative to get everything done at once, and it’s cheaper for you.

However, if you wanted to stick to your budget, stick to cash, you can compartmentalize your home when it comes to doing your windows. The way that I would do it, the way that I typically recommend, is I do it two different ways. I recommend to either do the areas you spend the most time in your house in, so that you feel the most comfortable. So if you were like my family growing up, we spent a ton of time in the kitchen. Every time we would have talks, or every time we would have a family meeting, which is more so our parents just telling us what to do, and how to do our chores. Whenever we had a party, whenever we had Thanksgiving, everyone hung out in the kitchen. Doing those type of windows, being comfortable in the areas that you live in the most, is probably the most important because you wanna get a little bit of that feeling of what you spent your money on. If that’s not the route you’re thinking about going, I always recommend doing the upstairs before you do the downstairs. Just because a lot of people have the older furnace systems, older heating systems, and if it’s running and running and running and running, it’s wearing it out sooner than later, right? You’re gonna burn up your furnace and now you have to get new windows and a new furnace.

So, when heat is produced in your home, heat rises. It rises to the second floor, more of that’s going to be retained if you do the windows upstairs. We’re retaining more heat upstairs when you go to sleep at night, you’re more comfortable. There’s nothing worse than going to sleep at night and you’re just uncomfortable the entire night. You wake up groggy the next day. So I typically recommend that. Now there’s tons of different reasons, kind of a loaded question, because someone has security issues, they live on a main road and the locks on their windows are broken and they wanna make sure, yeah of course, do those windows first. But in a perfect world, do ’em all. In a non perfect world, do the areas you live the most in. And if you don’t wanna do that, do the upstairs. ‘Cause at least you’re gonna retain as much heat as possible inside the home. You’re gonna get more benefits by doing it that way. Plus, when you go to sleep at night, new windows reduce your noise, and they also keep the room more comfortable. Meaning that if it’s 72 degrees on your thermostat, like my house, which most people think is absolutely crazy, you will keep that 72 degrees and you don’t have to listen to your furnace running all day.


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