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Boston Magazine: It’s Time to Prep Your Home for Winter - CWE



Sometimes it seems like stores begin playing holiday music the day after Halloween. It’s annoying, sure, but there’s no denying those stores are sufficiently prepared for the slew of festivities that winter will bring. Getting a jumpstart on a winter to-do list is helpful before the holidays kick into high gear, which is why it’d probably serve you well to begin preparing your home for chillier temperatures.

Sealing windows may be a little less fun thank cranking up “Jingle Bells,” but insulated windows can aid in snowstorms in ways that music cannot. Whether you’re a brand-new homeowner or an old pro, a reminder about winter home preparation never hurts. Here, find a few tips from Stephanie Vanderbilt, co-owner of Beverly-based Coastal Windows & Exteriors, to keep your house warm and comfy all season long.

1. Always clear the gutters first.

This is an essential task for almost all homeowners. Why do it first? Because beginning with outdoor duties while you can will save you from working in unbearably cold temps. Grab a ladder, a bucket, and some work gloves to clear debris from the gutters. Leaves and small tree branches can clog them, and with some added rain or snow, things can get ugly.

Read the full article here.


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