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12 Days of Cozy, Day 6: Simple Gingerbread House, Sealing Your Home’s Thermal Envelope & HOME for the Holidays Sale!

Welcome to Coastal’s 12 Days of Cozy Series, featuring festive fun for the whole family to enjoy! What is our 12 Days of Cozy all about? Check back daily Dec 1-12 to find: Recipes ★ [...]

2020 Cost vs. Value: Insider’s Guide for New England Homeowners

It’s that time of year again! Remodeling’s new 2020 Cost vs. Value Report is live, and we have all of the information you need to make smart decisions on energy-efficient home improvements this year. The [...]

3 Energy-Efficient Exterior Upgrades You Can do This Winter

There’s no doubt about it that spring, summer, and early autumn are popular times for exterior remodeling. However, New England homeowners tend to bypass window replacement and other energy-efficient exterior upgrades projects based on myths [...]

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