If you think cleaning the windows in your home was tough, look at these window cleaners. Dublin has a massive and modern convention center. The center needs to be cleaned regularly. Most residential windows fold in for easy cleaning (if yours don’t, you should consider them. These Irish guys are acrobats. They look like dots on top of the huge bowed-out window.

Who are these guys cleaning the windows?

Like we were saying before, we have tilt-in replacement windows. At the same time we sympathize with anybody in the industry. These guys are Irish window cleaners scaling the new Dublin Convention Center. On our Blog we are going to be feeding in interesting stories about windows and other remodeling-related subjects from here on out.

Different Ways to Clean Windows

To see the full article where the pictures came from at the top, check out the original article from The Irish Independent. There has been some other cleaning developments as well. At Coastal we have access to self-cleaning glass technology, our windows are coated with a naturally occurring pigment. This pigment is a titanium dioxide, cutting the amount of times you clean your windows in half. That way you can spend more time with your family.