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Happy Customer Series Part IV: Amber K.’s Experience with Entry Doors - CWE

As the last part of our happy customer testimonial series, we’re taking a look at reviews for entry doors in MA for Coastal Windows & Exteriors. For this featured piece, we’re featuring Amber K.’s experience with our quality entry door replacement.

No matter how safe you feel in your New England neighborhood, a secure entry door is necessary for every family. Choosing door replacement from Coastal Windows & Exteriors brings quality and performance to another level, especially when it comes to security.

Amber did herself a favor by choosing our quality fiberglass doors over the home improvement big box stores, and these are the reasons why you get better value and increased home security by choosing Coastal Windows & Exteriors:

  • With Amber K’s missing deadbolt, the security of her home was in question. Angie’s List indicates that a good deadbolt is key to maximizing your door’s security, and our front doors come equipped with premium locking systems that keep intruders out. The deadbolt should extend into the wall so the door won’t force open with a kick.

  • Our entry door replacement features an Impact-Shield kick plate engineered with 20-gauge steel. Without this kick plate, it makes it easier for intruders to make forced-entry into the home.
  • With our heavy-duty strike plate, the door is further reinforced for maximized home security. If the door doesn’t include a strike plate, it’s easier to crack during break-ins. A strike plate makes your door’s lock more secure while providing extra peace of mind.
  • Expert installation plays a major role in your door’s security. If the door is not level and plumb, it can lead to misalignment of the door itself along with the locking mechanisms. This results in the locking system not functioning correctly and compromising the security of your home.

When you choose Coastal Windows & Exteriors you can count on quality door installation from start to finish—with increased door security that lasts a lifetime.

Stay Tuned for our Next Review on Entry Doors in MA
We’re featuring more entry door reviews for homeowners in New England. Check back for our next blog with a newly featured review!

In the meantime, contact us for a free quote on entry doors by emailing or call 978-304-0495.



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