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Why Is My Roof Leaking? - CWE


What is the #1 Source of Roof Leaks you ask?

Last week was Ice Dams, this week it is all about Chim chiminey Chim chiminey Chim chim cher-ee….Chimney Flashing. If you ask Dave from Marblehead Chimney you will hear the same stories we hear. If you are like our customers and have been afflicted by a leaky roof, the source of the roof leaks is around your chimney. One of the most crucial steps to the integrity of a roofing system is proper chimney flashing.

Of course there are other causes such as rotten roof boards, but the majority of roof leaks we see stem around the chimney. It either failed or was installed incorrectly resulting in leaking and damaging the roof decking. With the chimney being the largest protrusion, it is critical that you have proper installation methods performed by a Master Elite roofing contractor to ensure the integrity for the lifetime of your roof. By the way, you should always have a lifetime warranty on your roof.

So think of this analogy. You have a flat surface then you have protrusions piercing through such as pluming ventilation pipes, bathroom vents and you guessed it chimneys. Of course now the surface is vulnerable-junior high science class here. So, you must make sure that the largest of them all-your chimney- is protecting your supposed waterproof barrier to your home from water infiltration.

POP QUIZ TIME: What is flashing and why do we need it installed properly?

A chimney needs to be properly flashed to seal the void between the chimney and the roof deck. Chimneys being the largest of all protrusions lead to the most problems we see with water infiltration and leaks thus causing much damage to the home. Since chimneys are made of brick or stone and not smooth like a vent or pipe, it makes them harder to seal because of their rough surface. Therefore, the flashing job is harder to create an effective water tight barrier.

What You Need To Know:

Is your roof leaking? Could it be failed chimney flashing? You bet! We also live in old New England homes and modernized flashing systems simply didn’t exist back in 1900. You also need to be aware that some roofing contractors only use an inferior one piece flashing system because it is cheaper and easier to install. So when it is time to get your roof estimate, make sure you ask them what type of chimney flashing (you want at least a 2 part system) they will be installing and be educated on what you need to know. To read about more helpful tips in choosing the right contractor and what questions you should ask, download our free Consumer Standards Guide here. Make sure you address all the symptoms before solving the problem.


Bonus Question: Worth 5 Extra Points on your quiz… and a $10.00 Starbucks Card or a Mary Poppins DVD for the first person who answers correctly in the comments section below. I will email the winner!

What ancient British folklore was attributed to chimney sweeps?


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