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Ice Damns… What You Need to Know - CWE

ice dams

Ice-Ice Baby…..No I’m not jammin’ to the popular 90’s song. Let’s stop collaborate and listen (sorry I couldn’t resist) and let’s talk shop about Ice Dams. They are something fierce and you need to know what causes them and how to prevent them in order to avoid any damage to your home.

How are Ice Dams Caused?

Ice dams are caused when heat from inside the house rises into an attic space and melts the snow coming in contact with the roof. It’s normally caused when temperatures get very cold, and there is a snow pack on the roof. The snow pack will actually work against the house as it becomes an insulating layer, causing only a thin layer of the snow on the roof to melt. The water will then flow down to the edge of the roof, over the soffit, and refreeze. The water will refreeze because there is no longer any heat to support the melting. The soffit is an exposed edge of the house, but also the area of least resistance, as that is the edge of the shingles. The ice slowly backs up, expands as it freezes, lifting the shingles and causing water to go where it is not supposed to go. Not good at all.

Once melting takes place, the water is released into areas where there is no protection, mostly into the soffit areas and eventually inside the walls. We have seen this and trust me you do not want this to happen as it’s very costly to repair.

We also see this a lot in Bay Windows because they’re exposed under the soffit where the ice is being forced and is the point of least resistance.

Gutters are Causing My Ice Dams, Right?

It’s a common myth that homeowners think it’s their gutters that are the problem but that is not the case. Gutters are made to move water-not ice. It’s just the location of where this trapped water is located.

How Do You Prevent Ice Dams?

The only ways to battle ice dams are:

  1. Be sure the roof is installed to proper specifications to the area where you live, i.e. Northeast with proper ventilation. This is the major cause of ice dams as your attic should closely resemble the temperature of the outside air-not the temperature of your warm house.
  2. Remove the snow pack on the edge of the roof over the soffit area to eliminate the insulation above the melting snow with a snow or roof rake. The natural sun light will also help to keep ice from forming at the edge but needs the majority of the snow removed in order to get to this layer. Warning: Do not pull at the Ice Dam as it is may pull the shingles apart and damage your roof. If you have questions about how long a roof rake you need or how to use a roof rake call us and we will help you.

Please know that Ice Dams are a natural occurrence and subject to an array of conditions, none of which are the responsibility of a roofer or window installer, as in the example of the bay window above.

Quiz Time

Back to school….You have 2 identical houses side by side. One with ice dams. One without. Why is the reason for this?

Answer: The difference is all about insulation and ventilation. Ice & Water Shield and Underlayment can also be issues but that is for another lesson.

Ok here are your reminders…

  • Be sure to have proper insulation in the attic
  • Have adequate air sealing done to eliminate warm are rising to the attic.
  • But most important, eliminate the possibility, by having the snow removed from the roof BEFORE it becomes an issue.


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