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Top 10 Home Maintenance Blogs to Winterize Your Home - CWE

At Coastal Windows & Exteriors we love to educate homeowners on how to stay warm and SAVE MONEY! Check out our top 10 blogs this season for lots of helpful home advice from information on how to insulate your windows to tips on preventing ice dams…

Top ten tips to insulate your home and save on energy bills

Windows 101: Make Sure Your Windows Are Properly Insulated  

Did you know that the amount of heat potentially escaping through your windows is equivalent to having an open window year round? That’s crazy! Inadequate insulation and air leakage are the leading causes of energy waste in homes. Learn how to properly insulate your windows.

Tips to Prevent Ice Dams on Your Roof

If you have ever suffered through an ice dam, it’s a pretty horrific situation. It usually occurs in the dead of winter as snow piles up on your lawn and your roof and temperatures plummet to unbearably freezing degrees. Read on to find out how you can prevent ice dams on your roof.

Turn Your Radiator Into Its own Heating Zone (And Stop the Radiator Racket!)

Another draw back of having an older home is that they have fewer heating zones. If only one room is cold,  you need to heat your entire home to warm it up. Talk about inefficient! Now you can turn each radiator into its own zone. Read more to find out how you can turn your radiators into their own zones.

Weatherstripping Windows & Doors is an Inexpensive Way to Save Money on Energy Costs

Weatherstrip your doors and windows to help stop air leaks in your home. Weatherstripping is inexpensive and can save homeowners money.  Read about the different types of Weatherstripping and how to install weatherstripping.

Is Your Roof Ready for Winter?

There are tell-tale danger signs you need a new roof.  It is much less expensive to be proactive with a roof then waiting until you have a problem. Check out these are tell-tale danger signs you need a new roof. It is much less expensive to be proactive with a roof then waiting until you have a problem warning signs to find out if you need a new roof.

One of The Biggest Air Leaks You Don’t Know About

There is an air leak inside your home and it is inviting cold air inside and wasting energy.  It’s a giant energy waster in your home.  It’s equivalent to leaving your window open a few inches all day! Find out where this air leak is in your home now.

Lower Your Electricity Bills With These Home Tips

As you have most likely noticed, electricity prices have gone up dramatically. We’ve come up with a list of homeHow tips to save money on electricity bills. Find out what you can do to lower your electricity costs!

5 Warning Signs Your Windows Are Costing You Money

Do your windows feel drafty? Are your windows fogged? Check out these warning signs to see if your windows are leaking air and allowing valuable heat to escape your home. 5 warning signs your windows are costing your money.

Program A Warm, Energy Efficient Home with Smart Thermostats

For many years, we’ve been able to program thermostats based on regularly scheduled times to turn our heat on and off. But what about those times when we’re going to be home later than anticipated? Find out how a smart home thermostat can help you save money now.

How to Use Curtains to Insulate Your Windows

Drafty windows can increase your heating bills up to 40%. You can save some money on your energy bills by installing the right window coverings. Check out these tips to help cover your windows and start saving money. Insulate your windows with curtains.


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