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Coastal Windows & Exteriors COVID-19 Installation Process - CWE

covid-19 safe job site practices

With social distancing and sanitation recommendations from the CDC, Coastal Windows & Exteriors is taking extra precautions for our crew and valued customers. We are considered an essential business and are therefore open and ready to serve you. Click here to schedule a safe virtual appointment, or call us at 978-817-7072. Here is how our safe installation process works:

We first schedule a no-contact estimate with you and create a 3D model with accurate measurements and then follow up with a no-contact social distancing appointment.  

3d model on ipad

Many homeowners are understandably concerned about social distancing and unsure how our vinyl siding, roofing  or windows, can be installed without making contact.

Our owners and team have carefully evaluated our installation process and procedures for COVID-19, ensuring that our installation process adheres to the CDC guidelines of social distancing and sanitation.

mask, gloves, and hard hat

Our COVID-19 Installation Process

Windows, Roofing & Siding


siding and roofing project

There is NO ENTRY to your home at any point for vinyl siding or roofing installation.

stay six feet apart covid-19

roofing project before and after


  • Materials and a dumpster are delivered to your driveway without contact and no need to greet anyone.
  • We do not allow any installers exhibiting symptoms to come to your property.
  • All installation is completed outside of your home.
  • All high-touched surfaces are wiped down with disinfectant wipes.
  • Teams of 2 or more are, when applicable, are instructed to work with a minimum of 6′ distance between them.
  • We ask you to maintain 6’ distance from the crew members if you wish to stay outside as well. You may also take your pet for a walk or do other activities to adhere to social distancing guidelines.


windows before and after images


  • We do not allow any installers exhibiting symptoms to come to your home
  • We ask you if you or your family were potentially exposed to COVID-19 before entering your home.
  • Once inside the home, installers wear masks and gloves, wiping down items that they touch with disinfectant wipes.
  • Installers strictly adhere to the 6’ rule inside and outside of the home. While inside of the home, we ask the homeowner to heed to this rule as well as the installer works.
  • One installer works in a room at a time; wiping high-touch surfaces down before going to the next room.  If two installers are necessary, they adhere to the 6’ rule.
  • We request that the homeowner does not stay in the same room during installation. This is for the safety of both the homeowner and the installer.


  • Any job that can be completed outside the home will be done so, especially to minimize or completely eliminate the need to go inside your home. For example, we may be able to install all double hung windows on the first floor of your home from the outside.
  • We ask you to maintain 6’ distance from the crew members if you wish to stay outside as well. You may also take your pet for a walk or do other activities to adhere to social distancing guidelines.

Schedule a Free No-Contact Estimate

Click here to schedule a no-contact estimate for replacement windows, roofing, and vinyl siding.

get a quote using social distancing

If projects take longer than initially determined, know that we are working to ensure your safety as the COVID-19 landscape changes day-by-day. We will always keep in contact with throughout the entire process and please call us with questions or concerns at 978-817-7072.


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