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DIY Front Door Wreath - CWE

It seems hard to believe we are so close to Thanksgiving and just over a month away from Christmas. Of course, every year at this time it’s dark when we get home from work and dark when I wake up. I want something charming, cozy and so “us” to greet us when we come home from a long day at the office or meeting with our amazing clients. This wreath fits the bill. The V monogram makes me feel like I’m home… there is something about a monogram that makes a space feel like it’s your own, which is probably a great feeling to come home to a house that feels like it’s completely cozy and comfortable.

The wreath is made out of a fantastic garland from Michael’s. The combo of the dried leaves, twigs and pinecones makes the wreath a little more interesting than just a pinecone wreath. The rustic look of the wreath adds to the welcoming and cozy feeling of the house.

Here’s how to make your own… it’s simple, I promise!

What you need (you can find all of this at Michaels or Joanns):

Wreath form


Hot glue gun with loads of glue sticks

Pinecone garland

Wooden or Cardboard Letter

Two inches of ribbon

Step One:

Cover your wreath form in burlap by cutting pieces to loop around each section of your wreath form. Secure to the back of the form with your hot glue gun.

frontdoorwreath frontdoorwreathburlap

Step Two:

Take your garland and start slowly gluing it around the wreath form on the front of the wreath. Make sure to use your glue liberally. You don’t want a wreath with parts falling off on your front door. That certainly doesn’t make your home feel cozy or welcoming.


Step Three:

Your garland will be longer than you need. Cut off the end and use some of the extra pieces of the pinecone garland to fill in the bare spots of the wreath. Secure with the glue gun.

Step Four:

Take your two inches of ribbon and hot glue it into an upside down “V”. You’ll use this to hang the wreath to your door. If you have a wreath hanger you can just use that instead.

Enjoy your new wreath! I’d love to see photos of any that you make!




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