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Replacing Windows Is An Expensive Project For Westford School - CWE

Currently feeling for this school in Westford, MA. They are facing huge replacement costs for their schools rotting windows. When thinking about whether or not you should replace your windows yourself, consider that they can become an expensive project in the future if the frames become rotted. As a former Massachusetts school teacher, I understand how a Four Million Dollar Replacement Window Bill is a hefty price tag for any school to pay. Similarly to the school, I hope this problem never happens to families in Massachusetts. My company offers a lifetime warranty on windows for these reasons. Below is a video about how a window at the school actually fell right out of the frame, which is of course a hazard when dealing with school children.

What you should know about Windows

Even though windows can be an afterthought, there’s a reason why the government gives out tax credits for them. They are an important function of your house (or school’s) energy use. If they aren’t installed properly or you settle for sub-par windows, you might have a situation like our friends in Westford, MA. At Coastal, we’ve done charity projects in the past (see this Habitat for Humanity Build

Neat-o Recent Replacement Window Articles

In North Andover, MA, the Eagle Tribune just wrote a super-balanced article about replacement windows. If you want the facts, especially from a local perspective, check that article out.

What to do with your old windows?

Most contractors will take the old windows and dispose of them as scrap. You are entitled to keep them yourself.

Credit: Instructables Old Window Picture Frame Credit: Instructables

WindowsAsCoffeeTable Replacement Window Coffee Table Credit: Etsy

Check out our Pinterest account for more ideas like this on a regular basis. You could probably frame a museum with the amount of windows Westford is going to have to replace in their school. I wish we could help them out with their problems like we did partnering up for Habitat for Humanity. Vinyl residential windows are one thing, but four million dollars worth of school windows is a bit out of our range of services. If you liked this article, check out last Friday’s blog about out-of-the-box window ideas.

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